ROTOX Docs. Typed by Flux of Mirage UK Released : 06/07/90 SCENARIO -------- It is the 22nd century. Lieutenant Kowoiski, a mercenary for the Solar Exploration Co. had been badly injured in a battle to take the Chinese space port on Titan. He was transferred to the Cyborg Research Facility amd reconstructed into a devastating, computer assisted fighting machine. Now Kowolski, renamed ROTOX (RemOTe Off world Xenoprobe) has to be tested. To this end he has been sent to the Solar Explorations Company's new testing complex, located just beyond the orbit of Neptune. Specially constructed landscapes provide a nightmare enviroment of deadly machines and hostile life forms. Mistakes are fatal, but sucess will lead ROTOX to the high powered weapons he needs to escape. LOADING ------- Switch on computer, insert kickstart disk if required. Insert disk A when Workbench is requested, follow on-screen prompts. GAME CONTROLS ------------- All control is via the Joystick. F1 Pause F2 Resume play from pause. F3 Abort game. SCREEN DISPLAY -------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | | | | --------------- | | --------------- | | | SCORE | | | | BONUS SCORE | | | --------------- | | --------------- | | | | || (LASER READY) | | --------------- | | || | | | ENERGY BAR | | | || || || | | --------------- | P L A Y | | | | | A || || || | | ------------ | | | | | JET PACK | | | || || || | | | FUEL | | A R E A | | | ------------ | | | | | | ------------------ | | --------------- | | | | | | | | | | | || || || | | | | RADAR | | | | | | | | SCANNER | | | | || || || | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | || || || | | | --------------- | | | | | | | | ------------------ | | | | B | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A:- Charge Indicators for extra weapons. (lit means ready) B:- Zone compleation marker. (light square - zone not cleared) (dark square - zone cleared) (current zone - red square) HINTS AND TIPS -------------- 1) Collect feature pods for extra energy, jet pack fuel and extra weapons. 2) There are ten levels each divided into nine sectors. 3) You must clear an entire sector of enemies before crossing a bridge to another one. The screen will flash once you have eliminated all opposition. 4) Use the sector indicator, at the bottom right of the screen to check that the sector is clear. 5) Pause on the centre of rotating platforms to help you re-orientate yourself. 6) Falling off the edge of a platform means you will lose an amount of energy and also any extra weapons you have collected.